Davey van Pas

Davey is a dance teacher from The Netherlands, who graduated in 2018 from Lucia Marthas Academy in Amsterdam.

Throughout the years he has worked with greatest choreographers around the world with all dance backgrounds: Lloyd Culbreath (Verdon/Fosse Legacy), Ryan Steele (Newsies Broadway), Andrew Black (Broadway Tap), Jason Samuel Smith (Rhythm Tap) Anthony Burrel (Beyoncé/ Mariah Carey/ Rihanna), Dana Foglia (Beyoncé), Padraic Moyles (Irish Dance Company).

Since 2020, Davey has worked in Finnish musicals such as, Mary Poppins at Svenska Teatern and Anastasia at Tampereen Teatteri.

From next Autumn, Davey will be teaching Broadway Tap and Broadway Jazz. “I am looking forward to teach at StepUp School and share my experience working with the greatest choreographers around the world. My classes will be focused on technique, coordination and choreography and will contain a lot of energy and fun. I love creating a safe, hardworking work-environment, where everyone can be themselves.”

Davey teaches in English.

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